Monday, July 27, 2009

Brown Family Reunion

We have a Brown family reunion every year but this is the first year in a long time that I went with my family. I have only been one other time since my mom passed away and that was when I was almost 8 years old. Do you know how hard it is when the only people you know are the ones that have passed away or have gotten older and you don't recognize them? It's very hard. My son Brennan walked over to the pavillion and came back to tell me he didn't think this was the right place. He didn't recognize anyone. I walked over and it was the right place. I don't think my kids have ever met any of my mom's family, except for Aunt Bessie and Aunt Bernice.

It was a lot of fun I didn't remember any of the cousins, I barely remembered any of my aunts and uncles (of the ones that were there and most of them I had to be reintroduced to) All except Aunt Bessie, she knew who I was and I knew her.

Left to right: Ralph and Roxann Groff, Aunt Bessie, Nikki, Brennan, In front Caitlin and Dalton and in the back Uncle Bob.
Apparently most of my family doesn't go. Out of all of the family Deb and her children, Ernie and His wife and daughter , Ellie and her two kids and Jeanie, Roxann and Ralph, me and three of my four children came. It'll be fun to go next year and get to know and remember everyone. Aunt Sarah and Aunt Bessie said they'll keep coming until they can't anymore.

Deb and Jeanie

My son Dalton

Ernie, Shaylee, Colby and


Reunions are so much more than just get togethers. Since my mom passed away it is the only connection I have with any of my moms family. You never know what you've lost until it isn't there anymore. Unfortunetly some of my aunts and uncles passed away before I got to know them. Family is so important and unfortunately my family isn't that close. It just kind of gets put on the back burner.

Left to right: Aunt Delores, Aunt Bessie, Uncle Bob, and Aunt Sarah

I understand that they have a hard time keeping up with us. They actually sent my invitation to my old address and got it back. They don't know where to send it. It's sad that I didn't do my part to let them know where I was at. Of course, I didn't know who to tell. My sister Deb knew where I was, so if they had asked her she could have told them. Oh well, were on the right track now. Even though I did tell them we probably won't be at the same address for the next one, but they can still get ahold of me through e-mail.

It's hard to live in one spot for very long. This next move will probably be our last. I can hope can't I. Some days more than others. You never know, in the world the way it is today, exactly where you'll end up.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Demolition Derby Flix!

I'm trying something new. I tried on my last blog to put a video clip of the Demolition Derby. I tried moving it and then it wouldn't work so here goes my second attempt.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Demolition Derby Fun!

Family Friends and Demolition Derbies what more could you ask for.

Saturday we went the local demolition derby. Things seemed normal to start with, however, they added a new class that involves trucks. I don't think it was quit as good as the cars however. Just because it didn't last as long as the cars.

First they did their regular heats. Top three cars from each heat went on.

Second they did a heat for those who had gotten stuck because of another car.

Third was the truck demolition while everyone got their cars fixed.

Fourth was the top three cars from the first three heats going for the #1 slot.
Last but not least was the bash for the last, which is anyone who could get their cars going from all heats. All in all very entertaining.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Fourth of July Celebration

For the 4th of July we spent it getting our stuff ready to take back home and going through boxes and boxes of papers and saved cards. Why do we save things that our kids are going to just throw out? I actually went through cards and saved some of the front covers and some of the poems for scrapbooking. We are trying to get my in-laws house ready for sale.

We took a break that night to to go watch the fireworks. As Dalton said it was boring. They weren't as good as Logan's fireworks show, but you take what you get. We didn't want to pay for Stadium of Fire tickets so we watched the ones at Thanksgiving Point.
Skylar didn't miss much except for the fear factor that Gabe and Jim induced backing down a road that was just wide enough for the trucks to go down. Of course, there was a drop off on either side.Brennan screamed at Jim to stop, he was afraid of the truck rolling down either side. It really wasn't that steep, but you know how fear works to make it seem worse than it is. We tried to comfort him that his dad was a better driver than that, but his fears outweighed any sort of reasoning. It was pretty funny.Gabe stopped a little way back from us only after Tiffany screamed at him to stop. It was good humor. I just wish I had taken my video camera, that would have been a good funniest home video.