November of 2013
I am so proud of my ten year old. He will be getting his Bear award this month, not without much sweat and tears. At times I had to take him kicking and screaming to scouts. We finished the last section he needed tonight, he didn't pull his hair out, he actually had fun learning something new. I made arrangements with the Willow Park Zoo Education Specialist to go do their certification there. It never used to cost the scouts money but now it is $3.00 per boy, but they were able to pet a Chinchilla, see a Peregrine Falcon up close and personal, they also got to hold a Cockatiel on their hand or arm if they wanted to, no I am not the scout leader, but because I wanted my son to get his Bear award someone had to take them. I actually enjoyed going with them. I took most of his den with us, due the fact they went with the pack a month or two ago and did not do the stuff they needed to pass it off. I think it might have been because their scout leaders didn't really know what they needed, just that they needed to visit a zoo. I don't know if they knew about the zoo education center and all of its wonderful programs. You can speak with a conservation officer and learn what they do to help animals. They also teach the boys about what causes an animal to become extinct and endangered. They are a great source in our community and I am grateful I had the opportunity to share it with my son and his friends.