Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Learning to Ride Without Training Wheels!

Dalton finally decided it was time to ride his bike, the first time since his dad took his training wheels off. It took him a couple of times to get started but he did pretty good once he got going. He hates starting off though. He would rather have me run behind him steadying the bike until he gets going. He did a great job though. I am proud of him. He spent a good half hour working on it. It started to rain and that was that. There was no way he was going to continue in the rain. I don't blame him it was pretty cold.

1 comment:

  1. Yea Dalton! and YEA for Mom and Dad who had the patience to teach you and run behind you! My only question is, now how are you going to keep up with him? who knows how far he could go with wheels. Good Luck. I am so glad to be passed that part of my life.
